Katalog knjiga

Knjiga po strani: 12 / 24 / 60 / 120
The Forsyte Saga
Džon Golsvordi
Izdavač: Wordsworth Editions, Hertfordshire 2001; Wordsworth Classics
4.42 €
500.00 din.

The Janissary Tree
Jason Goodwin
Izdavač: Faber and Faber Limited, Croydon 2007;
4.42 €
500.00 din.

Karlos Fuentes
Izdavač: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, London 2004;
4.42 €
500.00 din.

Sword Song
Bernard Cornwell
Izdavač: Harper Collins Publishers, New York 2009;
4.42 €
500.00 din.

The Well of Lonelines
Radclyffe Hall
Izdavač: Wordsworth Editions, Hertfordshire 2005; Wordsworth Classics
4.42 €
500.00 din.

Moll Flanders
Danijel Defo
Izdavač: Wordsworth Editions, Hertfordshire 2001; Wordsworth Classics
4.42 €
500.00 din.

The Track of Sand 1-2
Andrea Camilleri
Izdavač: Picador, New York 1988;
8.41 €
950.00 din.

The Log from the Sea of Cortez
Džon Stajnbek
Izdavač: Pan Books Ltd, London 1971;
4.42 €
500.00 din.

Honey for the Bears
Anthony Burgess
Izdavač: Penguin Books Ltd., Harmondsworth 1973;
4.42 €
500.00 din.

The Call of the Wild
Džek London
Izdavač: Washington Square Press, New York 1964; Reader's Enrichment Series: knj. 103
4.42 €
500.00 din.

Remembered Death
Agata Kristi
Izdavač: Pocket Books, New York 1975;
4.42 €
500.00 din.

Lelia - The Life of George Sand
Andre Maurois
Izdavač: Harper and Brothers, New York 1953;
11.06 €
1250.00 din.

Knjiga po strani: 12 / 24 / 60 / 120

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