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Early Medieval Art
John Beckwith
Izdavač: Frederick A. Praeger, New York, Washington 1964; Praeger World of Art Paperbacks
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Gothic Art
Andrew Martindale
Izdavač: Frederick A. Praeger, New York, Washington 1967; Praeger World of Art Paperbacks
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The Late Renaissance and Mannerism
Linda Murray
Izdavač: Frederick A. Praeger, New York, Washington 1967; Praeger World of Art Paperbacks
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Masterpeaces of Greek Sculpture
Adolf Furtwangler
Izdavač: Argonaut Publishers, Chicago 1964;
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Byzantium, Faith and Power (1261-1557)
Helin C. Evans
Izdavač: The Metropolotan Museum of Art, Yale University Press, New York, London 2004;
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John R. Hale
Izdavač: Time Incorporated, New York 1965; Time Life Books
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Byzantine Aesthetics
Gervase Mathew
Izdavač: The Viking Press, New York 1963;
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French Drawings from the 15th century through Gericault
Jean Vallery-Radot
Izdavač: Shorewood Publishers Inc., New York 1964; Drawings of the Masters
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German Drawings from the 16th to the Expressionists
Colin T. Eisler
Izdavač: Shorewood Publishers Inc., New York 1963; Drawings of the Masters
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Flemish and Dutch Drawings from the 15th to the 18th Century
Colin T. Eisler
Izdavač: Shorewood Publishers Inc., New York 1963; Drawings of the Masters
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Italian Drawings from the 15th to the 19th Century
Winslow Ames
Izdavač: Shorewood Publishers Inc., New York 1963; Drawings of the Masters
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Spanish Drawings from the 10th to the 19th Century
F.J. Sanchez Canton
Izdavač: Shorewood Publishers Inc., New York 1964; Drawings of the Masters
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Knjiga po strani: 12 / 24 / 60 / 120

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