Katalog knjiga

Knjiga po strani: 12 / 24 / 60 / 120
Dietmar Elger
Izdavač: Taschen 2009;
6.64 €
750.00 din.

The Country Life Collector's Pocket Book of Glass
Geoffrey Wills
Izdavač: Country Life, Surrey 1981;
6.64 €
750.00 din.

Geeta Govin in Basohli School of Indian Painting
R.P.N. Sinha
Izdavač: Oxford Book and Stationery Co., D.B. Taraporevala Sons and Co., Bombay, Calcutta bez god. izd.;
17.26 €
1950.00 din.

The Aesthetic Arsenal
Izdavač: The Institute for Contemporary Art, P.S. 1 Museum, New York 1994;
26.11 €
2950.00 din.

Federation - Australian Art and Society 1901-2001
John McDonald
Izdavač: National Gallery of Australia, Canbrerra 2000;
8.41 €
950.00 din.

The Women Painters of Mithila
Yves Vequaud
Izdavač: Thames and Hudson, London 1977;
8.41 €
950.00 din.

Medieval Serbian Culture
Sava Peić
Izdavač: Alpine Fine Art Collection, London 1994;
26.11 €
2950.00 din.

A king's Book of Kings
Stuart Cary Welch
Izdavač: The Metropolotan Museum of Art, New York 1976;
12.83 €
1450.00 din.

The Drawings of The Kalighat Style
Hana Knižkova
Izdavač: National Museum Prague 1975;
34.96 €
3950.00 din.

Art of Romantic Era
Marcel Brion
Izdavač: Thames and Hudson, London 1966; The World of Art Library
6.64 €
750.00 din.

Gothic Drawing
Zoroslava Drobna
Izdavač: Artia, Prague bez god. izd.;
8.41 €
950.00 din.

Romanesque Illuminated Manuscripts in British Museum
D.H. Hunter
Izdavač: The Trustees of The Brithish Museum 1971;
4.42 €
500.00 din.

The Huntington
Elizabeth Pomeroy
Izdavač: Scala, Philip Wilson, London 1983;
4.87 €
550.00 din.

The XVIIth Century II
Philippe Daudy
Izdavač: Heron Books, London 1968; History of Art
8.41 €
950.00 din.

Masterpieces from Budapest
Klara Garas
Izdavač: Corvina Press, Budapest 1970;
11.06 €
1250.00 din.

The Art of the Renaissance
Peter Murray, Linda Murray
Izdavač: Frederick A. Praeger, New York 1963; Praeger World of Art Paperbacks
5.75 €
650.00 din.

Painting in the Thentieth Century
Werner Haftmann
Izdavač: Frederick A. Praeger, New York 1965;
4.87 €
550.00 din.

John R. Hale
Izdavač: Time Incorporated, New York 1965; Time Life Books
6.19 €
700.00 din.

The History of Serbian Culture
Vojislav J. Đurić, Vojislav Korać, et al.
Izdavač: Porthill Publishers, Edgware 1999;
12.83 €
1450.00 din.

Knjiga po strani: 12 / 24 / 60 / 120

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