Katalog knjiga

Knjiga po strani: 12 / 24 / 60 / 120
A Wonder Book
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Izdavač: Longmans, Green and Co, London, New York, Toronto 1946; Longman Simplified English Series
11.06 €
1250.00 din.

Like and Unlike
Solveig Paulson Russell
Izdavač: Henry Z. Walck Inc., New York 1973;
105.31 €
11900.00 din.

Warton and the King of the Skies
Russell E. Erickson
Izdavač: Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Company, New York 1978;
17.26 €
1950.00 din.

The Further Adventures of Nils
Selma lagerlof
Izdavač: J.M. Dent and Sons Ltd, London 1953; the Children's Illustrated Classics
6.64 €
750.00 din.

Peter Penny's Dance
Janet Quin-Harkin
Izdavač: The Dial Press, New York 1976;
10.62 €
1200.00 din.

How the Rooster Saved the Day
Arnold Lobel
Izdavač: Greenwillow Books, New York 1977;
8.41 €
950.00 din.

First Aid in English Class Reader
Angus Maciver
Izdavač: Robert Gibson and Sons, Glasgow 1951;
10.62 €
1200.00 din.

Strange Tales From Many Lands
Freya Littledale
Izdavač: Doubleday and Company, Garden City, New York 1975;
12.83 €
1450.00 din.

The Flying Shoes
Cyntia Jameson
Izdavač: Parents' Magazine Press, New York 1973;
8.41 €
950.00 din.

There Really was a Dodo
Esther S Gordon, Bernard L. Gordon
Izdavač: Henry Z. Walck Inc., New York 1974;
10.62 €
1200.00 din.

The Last Savage
Gian Carlo Menotti
Izdavač: New York Graphic Society, Greenwich 1964;
12.83 €
1450.00 din.

The Magic Flute
Stephen Spender
Izdavač: G.P. Putnam's Sons, New York 1966;
11.06 €
1250.00 din.

Warton and the Traders
Russell E. Erickson
Izdavač: Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Company, New York 1979;
13.27 €
1500.00 din.

Someone Small
Barbara Borack
Izdavač: Harper and Row Publishers, New York 1969;
8.41 €
950.00 din.

Do Your Ears Hang Low?
Tom Glazer
Izdavač: Doubleday and Company, New York 1980;
11.06 €
1250.00 din.

Raggedy Anndy Stories
Johnny Gruelle
Izdavač: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, New York 1960;
6.64 €
750.00 din.

The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood
Howard Pyle
Izdavač: Grosset and Dunlap, New York 1952; Illustrated Junior Library
10.62 €
1200.00 din.

Huckleberry Finn
Mark Tven
Izdavač: Whitman Publishing Company, Wisconsin 1955;
4.87 €
550.00 din.

The Arabian Nights II
Izdavač: W.W. Norton and Company Inc, New York, London 1995;
6.64 €
750.00 din.

Story Number 1
Eugene Ionesco
Izdavač: Harlin Quist 1968; A Harlin Quist Book
17.26 €
1950.00 din.

Warton and Morton
Russell E. Erickson
Izdavač: Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Company, New York 1967;
10.62 €
1200.00 din.

Warton'sChristmas Eve Adventures
Russell E. Erickson
Izdavač: Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Company, New York 1977;
12.83 €
1450.00 din.

Animal Fables from Aesop
Barbara McClintock
Sa posvetom autora
Izdavač: David R. Godine Publisher, Boston 1991;
12.83 €
1450.00 din.

Potatoes, Potatoes
Anita Lobel
Izdavač: Harper and Row Publishers, New York 1967;
7.96 €
900.00 din.

Knjiga po strani: 12 / 24 / 60 / 120

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