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Knjiga po strani: 12 / 24 / 60 / 120
China including Tibet, Japan and Korea
Izdavač: Europa Verlag, Verona 1973; Peoples of Earth: knj. 13
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South-East Asia
Izdavač: Europa Verlag, Verona 1973; Peoples of Earth: knj. 11
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Cannibals and Kings
Marvin Harris
Izdavač: Fontana, Collins, Glasgow 1977;
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Oral Tradition
Jan Vansina
Izdavač: Penguin Books Ltd. 1965;
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The Emergence of Man
John E. Pfeiffer
Izdavač: Cardinal, London 1973;
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Ultimate Roots
Jamshed Mavalwala
Izdavač: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, Dubuque 1984;
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Culture, Language and Personality
Edvard Sapir
Izdavač: The University of Chicago Press, Berkley, Los Angeles 1964;
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Man and His Works
Melville H. Herskovits
Izdavač: Alfred A. Knopf, New York 1949;
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Man's Most Dangerous Myth: The Fallacy of Race
Ashley Montagu
Izdavač: The World Publishing Company, Meridian Books, Cleveland, New York 1969;
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The Birth and Death of Meaning
Ernst Becker
Izdavač: The Free Press, Collier Macmillan Publishers, London 1971;
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Knjiga po strani: 12 / 24 / 60 / 120

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