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Knjiga po strani: 12 / 24 / 60 / 120
Motion and Motion's God
Michael J. Buckley
Izdavač: Princeton University Press, New Jersey 1971;
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Readings in the Philosophy of Language
Jay F. Rosenberg, Charles Travis
Izdavač: Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 1971;
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The Idea of Progress
Charles Van Doren
Izdavač: Frederick A. Praeger 1967;
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Essays on Philosophical Method
R.M. Hare
Izdavač: Macmillan Press Ltd, London, Basingstoke 1971;
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The Imposition of Method
Peter A. Schouls
Izdavač: Clarendon Press, Oxford 1980;
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Studies in Subjective Probability
Henry E. Kyburg Jr., Howard E. Smokler
Izdavač: john Wiley and sons, New York, London, Sydney 1964;
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John Ferguson
Izdavač: The Open University Press, Macmillan and Company Limited, London, Basingstoke 1970;
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The Absolute and the Atonement
Dom Illtyd Trethowan
Izdavač: George Allen and Unwin Ltd, Humanities Press, London, New York 1971; Muirhead Library of Philosophy
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Selected Writings
Vilhelm Diltaj
Izdavač: Cambridge University Press, Cambrige 1976;
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The Foundations of Psychoanalysis
Adolf Grunbaum
Izdavač: University of California Press, Berkley, Los Angeles 1985;
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The Mind of Plato
A.E. Taylor
Izdavač: Ann Arbor Paperbacks 1969;
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Wittgenstein and his Times
grupa autora
Izdavač: Basil Blackwell, Oxford 1982;
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