Katalog knjiga

Knjiga po strani: 12 / 24 / 60 / 120
The Higher Circles
G. William Domhoff
Izdavač: Vintage Books, New York 1971;
8.41 €
950.00 din.

The Computer in Society
Brian Murphy
Izdavač: Anthony Blond, London 1966;
6.64 €
750.00 din.

The Free and the Unfree - A New History of the United States
Peter N. Carroll, David W. Noble
Izdavač: Penguin Books Ltd., Harmondsworth 1977;
2.65 €
300.00 din.

Max Weber and Sociology Today
Otto Stammer
Izdavač: Basil Blackwell, Oxford 1971; Explorations in Interpretative Sociology
7.52 €
850.00 din.

Practical Public Relations
Sam Black
Izdavač: The English Language Book Society, London 1972;
4.87 €
550.00 din.

Documentation in Action
Jesse H. Shera, Allen Kent, James W. Perry
Izdavač: Reinhold Publishing Corporation, London 1956;
17.26 €
1950.00 din.

The Art of Judgment
Sir Geoffrey Vickers
Izdavač: University Paperbacks, London 1968;
5.75 €
650.00 din.

Sociology and Pragmatism
C. Wright Mills
Izdavač: Oxford University Press, New York 1966;
11.06 €
1250.00 din.

On Max Weber
Paul Honigsheim
Izdavač: The Free Press, Collier Macmillan Publishers, New York, London 1968;
11.06 €
1250.00 din.

Cultural Change
F. Stuart Chapin
Izdavač: The Century Co. 1928;
11.06 €
1250.00 din.

The Downfall of Capitalism and Communism - A new study of history
Raveendra N. Batra
Izdavač: Macmillan Press Ltd, London 1978;
17.26 €
1950.00 din.

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