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Knjiga po strani: 12 / 24 / 60 / 120
The Resurrection of the World
Carlo Suares
Izdavač: Shambala 1975;
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Transcendental Meditation
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Izdavač: The New American Library 1968;
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The Mystery of Incarnation
Norman Anderson
Izdavač: Hodder and Stoughton, London 1978; Ecclesia books, 1. izd.
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Philosophy and Religion
Axel Hagerstrom
Izdavač: George Allen and Unwin Ltd, London 1964; Muirhead Library of Philosophy
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Dictionary of Christian Lore and Legend
J.C.J. Metford
Izdavač: Thames and Hudson, London 1983;
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An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Mysticism and the Mystery Religions
John Ferguson
Izdavač: Thames and Hudson, London 1976;
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The Penguin History of Christianity 1-2
Roland Bainton
Izdavač: Penguin Books Ltd., Harmondsworth 1967;
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Secret of the Dead Sea Scrolls
Hugh J. Schonfield
Izdavač: Vallentine, Mitchell and Co Ltd., London 1956;
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The Goose is out a Zen-Poker
Izdavač: Litografia I.P., Firenze 1982;
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A History of Christianity
Paul Johnson
Izdavač: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London 1976;
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American Indian Mythology
Izdavač: A Mentor Book, Chicago 1972;
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The Key of Mysteries
Elifas Levi
Izdavač: Rider and Company, London 1977;
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Knjiga po strani: 12 / 24 / 60 / 120

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