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Knjiga po strani: 12 / 24 / 60 / 120
Francoise Grellet, Alan Maley, Wim Welsing
Izdavač: Oxford University Press, Oxford 1984;
8.41 €
950.00 din.

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Luis Kerol
Izdavač: Macmillan and Company Limited, New York 1903;
176.11 €
19900.00 din.

Gas Turbines and Jet Propulsion (with 355 illustrations)
G. Geoffrey Smith
Izdavač: Iliffe and Sons 1950; fifth edition
8.41 €
950.00 din.

Economic Problems of Serbia
Costa Stoyanovitch
Izdavač: Imprimerie Graphique, Paris 1919;
11.06 €
1250.00 din.

The Afghans
Mohammed Ali
Izdavač: Punjab Educational Press, Kabul 1969;
14.60 €
1650.00 din.

Nathan Glazer, Daniel P. Moynihan
Izdavač: Harvard University Press 1975;
8.41 €
950.00 din.

Embroideries and Jewellery of Greek National Costumes
Popi Zora
Izdavač: Ministry of Culture and Science, Museum of Greek Folk Art, Athens 1981;
14.60 €
1650.00 din.

The Croats
grupa autora
Izdavač: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, Zagreb 1999;
21.68 €
2450.00 din.

The Nepal Festivals
Dhurba K. Deep
Izdavač: Ratna Pustak Bhandar, Kathmandu 1978;
6.64 €
750.00 din.

Folk Tradition in Yugoslavia - Ten Tours
Leposava Žunić-Baš
Izdavač: Jugoslavija, Beograd bez god. izd.;
6.64 €
750.00 din.

The Byzantines
David Talbod Rice
Izdavač: Frederick A. Praeger, New York 1962;
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The Serbian Folk Epic
Krstivoj Kotur
Izdavač: Philosophical Library, New York 1977;
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Elizabeth Baquedano
Izdavač: Dorling Kindersley, London 1993; Eyewitness Guides
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The Ancient Sun Kingdoms of the Americas
Victor Wolfgang von Hagen
Izdavač: Paladin, St. Albans 1977;
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Ancient Peoples of the American Southwest
Stephen Plog
Izdavač: Thames and Hudson, London 1997;
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Introduction to Islamic Civilisation
R.M. Savory
Izdavač: Cambridge University Press, Cambrige 1976;
Obavesti me!
Everyday Life in Ottoman Turkey
Raphaela Lewis
Izdavač: B.T. Batsford Limited, G.P. Putnam's Sons, London, New York 1971;
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Bury me Standing
Isabel Fonseca
Izdavač: Vintage Books, New York 1996;
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The Anthropology of Music
Alan P. Merriam
Izdavač: Northwestern University Press 1964;
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The Theory of Human Culture
James Feibleman
Izdavač: Duell, Sloan and Peace, New York 1946;
Obavesti me!
Amish Society
John A. Hostetler
Izdavač: The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, London 1993;
Obavesti me!
Sexual Life in Ancient Rome
Otto Kiefer
Izdavač: Abbey library, London 1976;
Obavesti me!
Emergent Forms of Life and the Anthropological Voice
Michael M.J. Fischer
Izdavač: Duke University Press 2003;
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The Anthropology of Friendship
edited by Sandra Bell and Simon Coleman
Izdavač: Oxford, New York 1999;
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Everyday Life in Ancient Egypt
Jobn Manchip White
Izdavač: B.T. Batsford Limited, G.P. Putnam's Sons, New York, London 1971;
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Women in Vedic Age
Shakuntala Rao Shastri
Izdavač: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay 1960;
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The Golden Bough 1-2
Džems Dž. Frejzer
Izdavač: Macmillan and Company Limited, London 1936;
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Serbia - The country. People. Life. Customs.
Petar Vlahović
Izdavač: Etnografski muzej, Beograd 2006;
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The Arab World
Izdavač: Europa Verlag, Verona 1973; Peoples of the Earth: knj. 17
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China including Tibet, Japan and Korea
Izdavač: Europa Verlag, Verona 1973; Peoples of Earth: knj. 13
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South-East Asia
Izdavač: Europa Verlag, Verona 1973; Peoples of Earth: knj. 11
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Cannibals and Kings
Marvin Harris
Izdavač: Fontana, Collins, Glasgow 1977;
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Oral Tradition
Jan Vansina
Izdavač: Penguin Books Ltd. 1965;
Obavesti me!
The Emergence of Man
John E. Pfeiffer
Izdavač: Cardinal, London 1973;
Obavesti me!
Structural Anthropology 2
Klod Levi-Stros
Izdavač: Penguin Books Ltd., Harmondsworth 1977;
Obavesti me!
Ultimate Roots
Jamshed Mavalwala
Izdavač: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, Dubuque 1984;
Obavesti me!
Culture, Language and Personality
Edvard Sapir
Izdavač: The University of Chicago Press, Berkley, Los Angeles 1964;
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Man and His Works
Melville H. Herskovits
Izdavač: Alfred A. Knopf, New York 1949;
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Man's Most Dangerous Myth: The Fallacy of Race
Ashley Montagu
Izdavač: The World Publishing Company, Meridian Books, Cleveland, New York 1969;
Obavesti me!
The Birth and Death of Meaning
Ernst Becker
Izdavač: The Free Press, Collier Macmillan Publishers, London 1971;
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Culture and Commitment
Margaret Mid
Izdavač: The American Museum of Natural History, New York 1970;
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Culture Against Man
Jules Henry
Izdavač: Vintage Books, New York 1965;
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The Mexican National Museum of Anthropology
Ignacio Bernal, Roman Pina-Chan, et al.
Izdavač: Thames and Hudson, London 1968;
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Social Anthropology in Perspective
I.M. Lewis
Izdavač: Penguin Books Ltd., Harmondsworth 1977; A Pelican Book
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Political Anthropology
Georges Balandier
Izdavač: Vintage Books, New York 1972;
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Les Idées de L'anthropologie
grupa autora
Izdavač: Armand Colin, Paris 1988; Antropologie au Present
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R.R. Marett
Izdavač: Thornton Butterworth Limited, London 1933; The Home Universiti Library of Modern Knowledge
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Right and Left - Essays on Dual Symbolic Classification
Rodney Needham
Izdavač: The University of Chicago Press, London 1973;
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Culture and Behavior
Clyde Kluckhohn
Izdavač: The Free Press, New York 1965;
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Image and Pilgrimage in Christian Culture - Antropological Perspectives
Victor Turner, Edith Turner
Izdavač: Columbia University Press, New York 1978;
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Male and Female - A Study of the Sexes in a Changing World
Margaret Mid
Izdavač: Victor Gollancz Limited, London 1950;
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